Category: Political Corruption

The 10 Most Corrupt World Leaders of Recent History

Filed under 'corruption' - PictureRead any article on corruption prevention, and the first thing you’ll be told is that ‘political will’, or the tone at the top, is the foundation of any successful anti-corruption effort.  But what if a country’s leader, whose ethics and integrity should be beyond question, isn’t as principled as they should be?  True to the old adage that ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’, we have compiled a list of the ten most corrupt world leaders of recent history.

Proof that corruption is truly a global issue, the list de-bunks the myth that cases of grand corruption (and kleptocratic regimes responsible for it), are limited to certain parts of the world.  Of the ten world leaders who made the list: three are from Africa, three from the America’s, two from Asia, and two are from Europe. More