The Ultimate Whistleblower Solution

Are you compliant with the NEW whistleblower legislation?

Is your organisation compliant with recently introduced whistleblowing and reporting legislation?  Have you got a system in place which encourages potential whistleblowers to come forward?  What happens when they come forward?  What are your obligations to them?  How do you manage the manage the situation? If you you’re unsure about the answers to any of the questions raised, or and want to discuss it, please contract us.

Just how reliable are your fraud and corruption detection systems?

Despite most organisation’s relying on internal control systems to detect fraud and corruption – supplemented by internal and external audit processes – global surveys show that over 40% of actual cases of fraud are uncovered by whistleblowers; making it the single most effective corruption detection method available.

Anonymous tip-offs remain the most effective method of corruption detection

While many organisations already have a whistleblower policy in place, most don’t provide genuine anonymity.  Without this guarantee, self-preservation and the fear of reprisal result in a reluctance by potential whistleblowers to come forward.

Integritas360 has partnered with Whispli to offer Fraudsec, the ultimate whistleblower solution:

A secure, anonymous, easy, cost effective and innovative two-way (whistleblower) communications system, that helps detect fraud, corruption, and other forms of unethical behaviour including child protection related issues.  It can be operated as an internal (in-house) reporting system, or can be out-sourced to us.  

Integritas360 - Fraudsec Whistleblower solution


A cost-effective solution – Piece of mind from A$299/month (excluding GST)

Fraudsec solves the problem by putting the whistleblower in the driving seat.  By using a uniquely designed reporting and communication platform, it provides a (two-way) data-encrypted communication channel that allows a whistle-blower to anonymously report suspicious or questionable activity.  All that is needed is access to an Internet enabled device.

Features included in the Fraudsec subscription

Integritas360 - Fraudsec Whistleblower solution
Are you a charity/NFP working with children or youth? If so how effective is your child-protection reporting system?

A further advantage of Fraudsec is that it’s not limited to reporting just cases of fraud and corruption, but can be easily customised to enable the reporting of other forms of abuse, such as child protection Issues.

How much does it cost?

You can operate the Fraudsec system for as little as A$49/month (ex GST), which will allow a single nominated user the ability to receive and respond to an unlimited number of anonymous tip-offs received.

For larger organisations, or to ensure an appropriate level of internal oversight however, we recommend more then one internal user have access to the system .  At A$299/month (ex GST), our enterprise solution not only gives access to up to three internal users (For example the head of internal audit or compliance, the CFO and/or CEO etc), but provides a built-in internal case management and reporting system.

Still not sure?  contact us here and we can arrange a free demonstration!

Award winning platform