Anti-Corruption Certification

The Big Tick: Build and maintain external confidence

Integritas360 is currently developing an Anti-Corruption Compliance Certification system specifically tailored to charities  and other non-profits.  The criteria used will incorporate various international anti-fraud and anti-corruption legislation and best practices, recommendations, administrative proceedings and guidelines issued by organisations such as the OECD, the World Bank, Transparency International, the US Department of Justice and the UK Ministry of Justice.  It will also take into account various anti-corruption compliance standards such as AS 8001–2008 (Standards Australia) and BS 10500:2011 (British Standards).

Organisations wishing to obtain Integritas360 certification will need to satisfy the highest standards, with an anti-corruption compliance programmes designed to respond to local jurisdiction and evolving international best practice alike.

Holding an external anti-corruption certification is confirmation of your non-profit or charity’s commitment to maintaining the highest levels of governance possible.  The process to achieve certification will also provide direct support to management in reducing an organisation’s overall corruption-risk profile by increasing the visibility of anti-corruption commitments.

Publicly demonstrate your commitment to good governance

Demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to allocating donor dollars as intended.  Obtaining and holding an anti-corruption compliance certification will:

  • publicly confirm the organisation’s commitment to the highest levels of good governance
  • provide direct support to management in reducing the organisation’s overall corruption-risk profile
  • increase the levels of trust and accountability with current and potential donors
  • raise integrity levels and foster employee support for anti-corruption compliance efforts
  • promote a clear and identifiable standard for anti-corruption standards, policies and procedures
  • provide assurance of the quality of an anti-corruption program and a benchmark against which to measure the progress being made

Take the first step.  Not sure what to do next?  Contact us to find out more.