Corruption Prevention Course for Managers – Sydney University’s Centre for Continuing Education
Corruption Prevention Course for mangers – For more information click here
Taught by Integritas360 Chief Executive, Jeremy Sandbrook, this one day face-to-face workshop aims to raise participant’s awareness of the issue of corruption and corruption risk, and equip them with a basic knowledge of the principles of corruption prevention, and the practical steps that can be taken to protect their organisation.
Learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of this corruption prevention course participants will be able to:
- Define corruption and determine the types of conduct that may constitute corrupt behaviour.
- Identify when a conflict of interest is present and how to manage it.
- Understand the various factors that allow, encourage or cause corrupt behaviour.
- Recognise the warning signs and red-flags that signal the presence of potential corruption.
- Discuss the principles of corruption prevention, and their role in it.
- Identify specific steps that can be taken within their organisation to better manage corruption risk.
Who should attend: While targeting managers and supervisors from all sectors, this corruption prevention course is relevant to anyone interested in the topic of corruption and corruption-prevention, and are are seeking a better understanding of the dynamics behind it and how to prevent it. There are no pre-requisite knowledge or skills for attendance, with course work designed to include practical work examples and relevant case studies
For an online offering click here